At Hispanophile we help families and kids who wish to study in Spain. Education in Spain is compulsory for all children and young people who are resident between the ages of six to 16 years, with primary education (primaria) lasting six years followed by four years of compulsory secondary education (Educación Secundaria Obligatoria or ESO), at the end of which a Certificate of Education is received. All students receive basic vocational training at secondary level.he usual writing, listening and reading skills.
The school year will vary from one region to another and will also be affected by what a child is studying, their level and their particular school. In Spain, the school year generally starts in mid-September and runs through to mid – June. There are three terms of roughly 11 weeks. Spain has among the longest school holidays of anywhere in Europe. Half terms do not really exist, though compensation is in the numerous local festival days and non-teaching days that give children and teachers more breaks in the school year.
There are usually two weeks of holiday over Christmas, two weeks over Easter, and a long summer holiday (10–11 weeks). Children moving from primary to secondary school sometimes get an extra week or two of summer holiday. This may even include an end-of-school trip abroad.

“Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out.” – Robert Collier.
An alternative to state education, private schools are a great option for expat kids.
International and boardings schools in Spain are other options to consider.
Hispanophile offer you a full service. Please check the work stages and our services below:
- Choosing a country and language of learning
- Finding the right institutions
- Defining deadlines and admissions requirements
- Professional paperwork services
- Student career guidance
- Tests and interviews
- Visiting institutions
- Enrolment services
- Full visa support if requested and required
- Mentoring and guardianship